LIOA-Automatic Voltage Stabilizer
AUTOMATIC VOLTAGE STABILIZER Engaged quality with along 31 yearsin more than 42 countries around the world Lioa Brochure 2020
AUTOMATIC VOLTAGE STABILIZER Engaged quality with along 31 yearsin more than 42 countries around the world Lioa Brochure 2020
Main Technical Genset output: 30 – 140 KVA Voltage/Freq: 220/380V, 50Hz MWM Brochure OVERVIEW Haente Diesel is the sole...
Main Technical Genset output: 250 – 675 KVA Voltage/Freq: 220/380V, 50Hz Man Brochure OVERVIEW Haente Diesel is the authorized...
DESIGN SPECIFICATION : ■ High quality, reliable, long life and complte power unit ■ Compact design ■ Easy start...
Digital Generator Set Kipor is the first national back-up power supplier that develops the digital generator sets successfully. Compare...
THE ‘RICHFORD’ SOUNDPROOF BOX FOR GENERATORS SET. It’s designed for weather proof with low sound level, nice shape and...
Kami adalah suatu perusahaan bernama PT. MITRA HAENTE DIESEL yang utamanya bergerak pada bidang Generator Set, berkedudukandi Jl. Mahendradata Selatan No. 11, Denpasar – BALI
Perusahaan kami telah berpengalaman dalam bidang Generator Set, dimana produk Genset kami sudah dilengkapi dengan Automatic Shutdown Device yang secara otomatis melindungi mesin bila sewaktu-waktu terjadi :
Sehingga bila terjadi kegagalan tersebut di atas, maka sensor bekerja secara otomatis dan mesin/engine akan mati dengan sendirinya.
Perlu diketahui kami selalu memberi garansi pada setiap produk kami. Kami selalu menguji setiap genset yang kami produksi sebelum dipasarkan
Disamping penjualan unit genset (open /silent type “Ready Stock”), kami juga melayani :
Demikian perkenalan dari kami, sekiranya dapat menjadi bahan pertimbangan bagi Bapak/ Ibu apabila ada project – project yang membutuhkan produk/jasa kami. Atas perhatian dan kerjasamanya kami ucapkan terima kasih.
AUTOMATIC VOLTAGE STABILIZER Engaged quality with along 31 yearsin more than 42 countries around the world Lioa Brochure 2020
Main Technical Genset output: 30 – 140 KVA Voltage/Freq: 220/380V, 50Hz MWM Brochure OVERVIEW Haente Diesel is the sole...
Main Technical Genset output: 250 – 675 KVA Voltage/Freq: 220/380V, 50Hz Man Brochure OVERVIEW Haente Diesel is the authorized...
DESIGN SPECIFICATION : ■ High quality, reliable, long life and complte power unit ■ Compact design ■ Easy start...
Digital Generator Set Kipor is the first national back-up power supplier that develops the digital generator sets successfully. Compare...
THE ‘RICHFORD’ SOUNDPROOF BOX FOR GENERATORS SET. It’s designed for weather proof with low sound level, nice shape and...
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